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How do I make a reservation?
To make a reservation on the website just choose the hotel of interest in the field “Choose a Hotel”, select the dates and the number of
adults/children/rooms. Next, click on search. Several types of rooms will appear along with the various promotional offers. To complete the reservation just click on "Book Now" and fill in the requested information. -
Can I make a reservation at multiple hotels?
To make a booking at more than one hotel, you need to separately reserve each Hotel of interest.
Can I reserve more than one room?
When doing your search you can put the number of rooms you are interested in, with 5 being the maximum. You can only reserve several rooms at the same time when your mix of adults/ children is consistent. If it is not, you will need to make several reservations separately.
What are the benefits of booking online?
Lower prices are available on Pestana and Pousadas brand websites. If the customer finds a lower price we guarantee to match it and apply a 5% discount to that price, as long as it offers the same conditions as ours. There are also exclusive discounts which are only available on the Pestana and Pousadas brand websites.
Can I book a room for a day use?
Through the Pestana and Pousadas brand websites you may not boook a room for day use. You should contact the Hotel or Pousada directly.
How do I reserve an accessible room?
To book an accessible room we suggest contacting Pestana Customer Care at (+31) 2 0200 2505 or via email.
How do I receive a booking confirmation?
After completing your reservation, the booking confirmation is sent via email to the address provided.
How do I make a special request? Double bed, extra bed, etc.
If you wish to make a special request, please put a comment on the last step of the reservation where you find the following description: "For a better experience during your stay, enter additional requests to be considered with your reservation" the request you want. These requests are subject to availability. Alternatively, you may contact Pestana Customer Care on (+31) 2 0200 2505 or via email.
Can I make a reservation for the same day that I´m searching on?
Yes, you may make reservations for the same day.
How do I know that the reservation was successfully made?
After filling in your personal/payment details and their correct validation, you will receive a reservation confirmation email at the email address you provided. On the website you will also receive a message with your Reservation number.
I lost the email with the reservation confirmation, what should I do?
We suggest contacting Pestana Customer Care on (+31) 2 0200 2505 or via email. However, presenting a booking confirmation at check-in is not required, simply present an identification document that matches the name in which the booking was made.
Can I change the hotel which I plan to go to?
If your booking is changeable and in accordance with the cancellation policy you can change it. Booking conditions may vary according to Hotel or Pousada.
Can I change or cancel my reservation?
Change or cancellation of your reservation depends on the conditions mentioned in the rate. If your reservation is cancellable, you may cancel or modify it according to the conditions mentioned in the rate. We suggest contacting Pestana Customer Care on (+31) 2 0200 2505 or via email.
How do I change/cancel my reservation?
We suggest contacting Pestana Customer Care on (+31) 2 0200 2505 or via email.
What are the cancellation policies?
There are several cancellation categories: cancellable and changeable, changeable and non-cancellable, and non-changeable and non-cancellable. To find out which terms apply to your selected rate, check the "rate conditions" or the notes provided in the promotion.
If I book online, can I call the hotel directly to modify my reservation?
We suggest contacting Pestana Customer Care on (+31) 2 0200 2505) or via email.
What is the deadline to cancel my reservation?
You will find that information in the rate conditions and in the boking confirmation email. If you cancel by the date listed in the cancellation policy, nothing will be charged. If you cancel after that date, the price for the first night will be charged, for reservations less than 7 nights, or 3 nights for a reservation of 7 nights or more. -
What does free cancellation mean?
Free cancellation means you may cancel your reservation by the deadline stated in the rate conditions with no associated cost.
What does non-cancellable mean?
A non-cancelable booking means that cant be canceled at any time, that is, the total amount of the stay will be charged. For prepaid reservations, the price paid will not be refunded. If it is a pay later reservation, the charge will be made on the credit card provided when the reservation was made.
If I do not show up at the hotel on the date of my stay, without prior notice, is the total price of the stay charged?
Is it possible to declare the expenses on stays at Pestana Hotel Group hotels for tax benefit purposes?
Yes, it is possible on all bookings made through our Call Centre or on bookings made directly on our Site, where payment is made directly at the hotel.
Where pre-paid bookings are made on the Site, these are handled by the company Intervisa – Viagens e Turismo, Lda. Intervisa is a travel agency, which means that its operations fall under a specific value-added tax regime (DL 221/85) applicable to travel agencies and tour operators.
As the managing entity of the Pestana site, it is Intervisa that bills the client for pre-paid accommodation bookings made by the customer, regardless of the selected hotel. As Intervisa – Viagens e Turismo, Lda. is a travel agency, its Business Activity Code is related to its activity (79110 - Activities of travel agencies), meaning that no tax benefit is allowed. -
What are the terms and conditions for using coupons to make bookings?
If you cancel a booking for which you used a Coupon Code, you will not be able to use the same Coupon for another booking.
If you change a booking for which you used a Coupon Code, you will only be able to use the Coupon Code for another booking if the value of the booking is greater than that of the initial booking. If the value of the final booking is lower than the initial one, you will not be able to use the Coupon Code for the final booking.