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Ristoranti e bar

In addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, you can also enjoy a delicious daily brunch between 11. a.m. and 12.30 p.m.

The Pestana Porto Santo has 3 restaurants: Buffet - Marés; Italian - Luigi; Maghrebi - Arab Magrebe.

The theme restaurants are subject to prior booking and upon availability.
For bookings of up to 3 nights - You can book an extra themed restaurant at reception, subject to availability and an additional cost.
Bookings of 4 to 6 Nights - 1 reservation at one of the theme restaurants
For bookings of 7 nights or more - 2 reservations in theme restaurants


Estrada Regional 120, Sitio do Campo de Baixo , 9400-242 , Porto Santo Ottieni indicazioni Telefono (+351) 291 144 000 Numero telefonico per prenotare +351 210 158 100

N.º RNET 3977

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